
Chair of Governors - Mr T Whybrow

Vice Chairs of Governors - Mr A Moult

Clerk to the Governors - Mrs B Damant

Parent Governors
-Mrs J Lawrence-Purllant
-Mr A Moult
-Mr B Conway
-Mrs K Hewlett
-Mrs J Howell

Only parents (includes foster parents, guardians and acting parents) who have children registered at the school are eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor. A Parent Governor is elected, by way of a nomination, and voting by ballot, if more nominations are received than vacancies, by all the other eligible parents at the school.

LA Appointed Governors
-Mrs S Elvis
-Mr S Grimwade

LA Governors are appointed by the Local Authority. It is felt that people best suited to be selected as LA Governors are those who have a good understanding of the community, have the understanding and commitment to work to meet the needs of the school, are motivated to act in the best interest of the Governing Body and are able to participate fully in the work of the Governing Body.

Community Governors

-Mrs D Jaszkiewicz
-Mrs J Howe

Community Governors are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests. They can be persons who live or work in the community served by the school, or persons who do not work or live close to the school, but are committed to the good governance of the success of the school.

Staff Governors
-Mrs S Whitelaw
-Mrs S Myles- Gardiner
-Mrs S Sykes
-Mrs K Reedman

Staff Governors are elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at the school, volunteers are not eligible. Both teaching and support staff are eligible for staff governorship, but if a Governing Body has three or more staff governor places, as least one must be a member of the support staff.

All Governors are elected for a 4 year term of service.